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Recreation Committee Minutes 2009/08/12
AUGUST 12, 2009
Present: Brian Garland, Paul Skarin, Marilyn Morse, Craig Heino, Scott Blewitt, Chuck Weinstein, Patricia Halpin, Melissa Eastman
Draw the Line Concert – We took a loss on this event. 191 tickets sold. After expenses our loss was around $2300.00. Feel that it was a good event. Not sure why it was not more successful. Other activities going on? Was advertised well. May be able to do it again and have the band play for free or for a reduced rate.
Fishing Derby – went great. Over 2000 fish caught.
Kayak & Poker Run – 10 people participated in this event. Hope to continue it with more people next year.
Fall Soccer – Deadline for registration was August 1. There was a lot of discussion around 6th graders as currently they are able to play middle school sports as well as recreation sports. Is it fair to both teams for them to do this as one team loses out. It would be important to have this conversation with the school. Scott will send an email to Tom Fredricks sharing that we would like to see some continuity between the two organizations. We would like 6th graders to be encouraged to play recreation sports. All recreation committee members will be included in this email.
Patricia made a motion to transfer $21,952.09 to the general fund from the special recreation fund. Chuck seconded this motion and all approved.
Beach Bash – End of summer party at the beach is August 22. Brian agreed to organize this event. It will begin at 11am.
We had a visit from some folks from the State. Although they were satisfied with the cleanliness of the beach and the temperature of the freezer, we are no longer able to sell hot food and ice cream. We need permit for both of those. We have applied and paid $50 for the ice cream permit and $100 for the hot food permit. We also need a 3 basin sink. Staff were also noticed not wearing gloves on this day while serving food.
Skate Park – Is in need of repair. Craig did repair the half pipe so it is in use again. We hope to keep the park safe and able to be used for the next few months. Once we are through this year, we will get together to discuss where we should go with this. It will need some more work. Do we keep wood, go to concrete, this needs to be discussed. Will meet sometime in October regarding this.
Community Member Renewals – Scott shared that from time to time community members ask if there are any openings on the Recreation Committee. Currently there are not . We could have 2 students on our committee. Scott will send an email out about this to see if any are interested in joining.
Sunapee Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes – August 12, 2009 – Page 2
Master Plan for Town – Scott received an email from Michael Marquis who is doing a master plan for the Town. He wanted to have some information from the Recreation Committee about our future plans. Scott will send the email out to all of us.
Dewey Beach – A dock is needed at Dewey Beach. With it we could teach diving, boats would not need to come in so close, lifeguard would be out on the dock able to look in, this would be a great idea. Scott will bring a catalog of docks to the next meeting and we will discuss further then.
Some complaints about not having enough staff on sunny days. Question of how it is decided on how many lifeguards are on each day, is it depending on how many people are at the beach? Also questioned was the guest pass process. If guest passes could only last for a limited time (like a week), that would let up on the number of out of town folks at the beach. This issue comes up time and time again. Unsure where to proceed with it.
Sport Photos – Flash Photo is not doing sports photos anymore. They have passed us on to Sports Photography. Do we want to continue with the sports photos? Scott feels that 85% of families buy the photos so we agreed that it was necessary to use another company such as Sports Photography and continue this.
We are seeking someone who would be willing to write about the recreation activities, talk to coaches about teams, etc. Please share any thoughts with Scott.
Next meeting is Wednesday, September 9 at 7pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Eastman